Lumberjack Weekend | at the J P Rohow “secret” Compound in Wisconsin
March 9-11, 2018

Friday, March 9, 2018

Friday AM started fairly normal. I arose, made coffee and thought about what to pack… You see, after the “boss” granted me a day off I accepted my “BiL” John’s invite to his secret “lair” for what has become known as “lumberjack Weekend” in the Wisconsin North Woods. 

I finished packing, loaded the car and put the secret address into my GPS and off I went for a weekend of relaxation as well as some manual labor…

Arriving at the secret location I found plans had changed a bit. John and Greg had arrived before me and had discovered some snow…

OK, a LOT of snow so they pulled out the snow shoes and snowblowers and went to work. 


As you can see it turned out to be a cold and snowy weekend.
Usually the fire pit (which is fed via our manual labor) can keep us toasty warm but on this weekend we had trouble staying warm even with the fire pit going full bore.

(side note: One of the “not so fun” benefits of being in the north woods happens to be John’s neighbor who owns a bunch of very loud dogs. They are yelping all of the time which is annoying but after a while you get used to it, kind of…

Basically we spent this weekend indoors or near the fire pit staying warm. Not as productive as we’d planned.

We did jump in the snowshoes for a couple of walks around the property but the cold temps kept them short jaunts at best.