2016 – Las Vegas Trip – Elton John at Caesar’s Palace & VDTA Convention
We landed in Las Vegas on schedule and headed for our luggage and the LASxpress bus to The Westgate. The wait at the bus line was longer than I would have expected but it felt nice to stand in 60 degree sunny weather so we waited patiently and discussed what we planned to do for the rest of the afternoon. The bus ride to The Westgate was quick and by 1 PM we were in the room (#2157) unpacking and changing. We headed to Gordon-Biersch for lunch by taxi and enjoyed a beer and sandwich and the sunny weather outside. Cool but nice and clear. We headed back to the hotel to relax, plan our next day and get ready for the highlight of the trip, Elton John at Caesar’s Palace at 7:30 PM.
After a short rest we changed and headed for Caesar’s Palace Colosseum where Elton John is taking Celine Dione’s place after her husband passed away. The show was tremendous! Elton was energetic, engaged and fun. The only problem was the people in the front rows who decided standing and jumping around in front of the rest of us was their right as they were the closer “lucky” ones. It was a minor annoyance that I got over with fairly quickly. The show went on for over two hours and all of it very good! I was happy we made the investment. We headed home by way of walking to the Wynn for an after-dinner drink at our favorite bar with the musical pool (Lakeside) and taxied back to the Westgate for the night. I long day but well worth it! Good Night…
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